Linnet Clough

I think Linnet Clough was very challenging but I enjoyed every minute of it, from marching in the rain, to diving in mud.
The of highlight for Linnet for me was 'skits'. Skits is basically a show where you have entertain everyone and you get judged on your performance by the staff.
Each group had to do two acts, one were you had to sing and another were you made up your on role play.
In my group we had sing 'Only to be with you' by U2.
This picture is my group attempting to sing this song.
In this picture I'm the third one in from the left (the only person in the group not to have my arm in the air).
The second act we did was a role play were we pretended to be the staff and do various different things that we thought would suit them.
In this act I played Garry Wilson, other people in my group played; Martin, James, Adrian and Duggy.
Overall we got the best score for our skits performance.

Advice for Linnet

Try your best;
At the end of the day linnet clough is not meant to be easy and there will be times were you want to give up. Linnet clough is designed to test you and to see how you cope under pressure.

Follow instructions;
Follow instructions from the tutors and the second years and there's a good chance you'll pass.

Second years are there to help you;
The second years are there to help you, remember they've already been to linnet and passed so if you any questions or problems talk to them about it.

Best bit of advice
Work as a team!
In order for you to pass linnet you will have to work as a team, specially for your room inspections.

If your struggling to get through it just think your only there for two and half days!